Tax receipt- Improving transparency
The Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) has applauded the Government on its Tax Receipt initiative, saying it provides taxpayers with the insight into where their tax dollars are going.
Every taxpayer whose tax assessed is greater than $100 will receive a receipt from the Government detailing their individual tax contribution and a breakdown of how the money was spent by the Government in providing services to the community.
“The Tax Receipt initiative is one way that the Government can reconnect with individual taxpayers and increases transparency of how their tax contribution is being spent,” said IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway.
“Just like local councils show ratepayers how their rates are spent, the Government will provide similar information to highlight how our tax dollars are allocated across all major spending initiatives.
“The receipt not only highlights how tax revenue is being spent but provides an overview of Australia’s current debt level and interest payments required to service such debt,” said Mr Conway.